Don’t let your Dream House get Eliminated in the First Round, As You Save Your Lifetime Investment to Make One. This Blog will Help You to Figure Out the Ways to Survive in the Game of Construction

Dont get your DREAM eliminated in the first round as you save your lifetime investment to make one. This blog will help you to figure out the ways to survive the game of construction.

You will be Eliminated at the Beginning if You Plan to Build Your House in Monsoon.(June-September)

So, when it comes to deciding the best time to build a house, at least two seasons come into play – monsoon and winter. These two seasons differ greatly from each other. Therefore, let’s first take a look at both these seasons separately. Monsoon is a season with heavy rain causing floods and clogs sewers and water bodies. This makes the rainy season the worst season for building a house. It has a direct impact on how a house will perform over time, as water damage is one of the major reasons why the health of the houses deteriorates prematurely.

Play Safe by Building Post-Monsoon (September-February)

The best season or seasons for construction would be post-monsoon followed by winter i.e., from September to March. The quality of houses built post-monsoon or in the winter season will have an edge over houses built in summer and during monsoon.  Post-monsoon, your house will be warmer toasty and less susceptible to termite attacks. This would be a significant advantage to you as a customer.

A building is a living thing. It grows. It changes. Its needs are constantly changing. So, home construction cannot start on a fixed date. It should start only when all the elements are in place. Here is a brief look at what is required at each stage of this game.

  • RCC works: The basic structural member in any building is the structure called Reinforced Cement Concrete(RCC). RCC needs care at every stage during construction. People who handle RCC works need to have good knowledge of its various stages. The RCC works cannot be started without designing and the drawings of RCC work need to be approved by the structural engineer.
  • Masonry works: The masonry works include the external walls, internal walls, slabs, staircases, etc. The masonry work helps in the insulation of the building. The masonry work should be designed by the structural engineer which should be approved by the architect.
  • Plaster/Painting works: The plaster works help in finishing the wall surfaces. The painting work helps in giving a decorative touch to the building. The plaster and paint works should be designed by an architect.
  • Tiling works: The tiling works include flooring and wall tiles. The tiling works help in keeping the look of the building clean and tidy. The tiling work also needs to be designed by an architect.
  • Electrical works: The electrical works help in lighting, ventilation, heating, cooling, etc. The electrical works need to be designed by the electrical engineer.
  • Plumbing works: The plumbing works include the laying of drainage, water supply, etc. The plumbing works need to be designed by the plumber.

We all can prepare many lists about which time is good to start the construction, but it’s better to focus on specific components and give reasons for your choice. This approach should be more convincing than the black-n-white list of factors.

Save time and money by consulting Cloud Mistri which will help plan your home construction project according to the best time for construction in India.

In our next blog, we will tell you about the technical process which are involved in constructing a home in detail. Stay tuned.